
Pioneer on the market
of biodegradable release agents

Cheminum is the manufacturer of innovative chemical agents for construction.

We create a whole spectrum of release agents for professional production of prefabricated concrete units.


Our products

EmuRA Rubber

Emulsion, release agent designed for the production of concrete elements in rubber molds.


It does not contain volatile substances. It does not damage /change the parameters of rubber molds. Non-flammable, odorless agent.

Very high biodegradability.

Directions for use

Rubber molds – apply thinly with a high-pressure sprayer, do not rub. If necessary, in case of too excessive application of the agent, rub the applied product after 15 minutes.

* the mold is ready for filling when the white dots disappear.

It is best to apply with a so-called round steel nozzle 0.05.

You gain

Convenient use, high-quality concrete surface, saved time.

Our team

Adrian Kałkowski

prezes zarządu, inż. technolog
Specjalizuje się w mechanice płynów.

Krzysztof Jóźwik

pełnomocnik zarządu, dyrektor handlowy
Współtwórca patentu, prekursor badań
nad zastosowaniem mrozoodpornych emulsji olejowo-wodnych w środkach impregnacyjnych.