
Pioneer on the market
of biodegradable release agents

Cheminum is the manufacturer of innovative chemical agents for construction.

We create a whole spectrum of release agents for professional production of prefabricated concrete units.


Biodegradable product for the protection of junction, concrete mixers and concrete transport hoppers. Can be applied to wet machinery.


For the manufacture of prestressed components, metal formwork, and for high temperature applications. Do not use for rubber moulds.


Perfectly protects and  safeguards concrete mixers from adhesion and sticking of concrete to the sidewalls. In addition, it secures and protects against corrosion. Odourless.

What you gain

A product with a reliable formula, and reliable quality, clean machines, and equipment.

lnstructions for use of MixProtector

The optimum amount of product should be applied with a pressure spray or high-pressure sprayer to a previously cleaned drum or machine. Pressure of 3 bar is recommended; TG 0.5 – TG 0.7 nozzle.
Spray from a distance of 30 – 40cm.

Our team

Adrian Kałkowski

prezes zarządu, inż. technolog
Specjalizuje się w mechanice płynów.

Krzysztof Jóźwik

pełnomocnik zarządu, dyrektor handlowy
Współtwórca patentu, prekursor badań
nad zastosowaniem mrozoodpornych emulsji olejowo-wodnych w środkach impregnacyjnych.